Per Section 161 of Act No. 183/2006 Coll., the Building Act, SUPTel a.s. issues statements to the existence of technical infrastructure. Upon requests submitted by investors (building offices, etc.), statements are issued as to
the networks and equipment of electronic communications owned by SUPTel a.s.
The correspondence address for sending requests for statements is as follows:
SUPTel a.s.
Pobočka Praha
Dobronická 1257
148 00 Praha 4
Czech Republic
Other contact data:
Tel.:+420 724 635 369
Costs associated with the provision of statements to technical infrastructure existence:
Costs of statement provision by post:
- Negative statement CZK 100 without VAT (CZK 121 with VAT)
- Positive statement CZK 250 without VAT (CZK 302,50 with VAT)
If the invoicing address is not identical with the applicant’s address, provide the invoicing address in your application.
Validity: since 1 March 2010.