Optical telecommunication networks
Optical networks form a basis of electronic communication and, today, they are used to execute an absolute majority of data transfers via the internet. Building optical networks requires considerable interventions in roads and private property, which is why we provide complete construction solutions of optical networks as turnkey projects. We not only lay cables but also execute earthworks, final ground levelling, and also elaborate easement establishment contracts.
Our solutions were already used by T-Mobile Czech Republic a.s., KLFREE.net, ČD-Telematika a.s., SUBTERRA a.s., Deutsche Glasfaser, O2 Czech Republic a.s., etc.
Overview of our activities in optical networks:
- Advisory services, complete draft turnkey solutions
- Material deliveries for all weak-current network types
- Designing – weak-current installation projects for outdoor and indoor optical and metalling network lines, all including area decisions or approvals with building permits where required
- Traffic restriction projects discussed with the Police of the CR, installation of traffic signs for earthworks
- Utility lines marking
- Engineering activities – complete provision of legal proceedings with real estate owners or administrators and state administration bodies as needed for the construction of underground lines
- Earthworks for laying all types of utility lines
- Final surface treatment – bitumen mixtures, pavement and non-consolidated areas
- Laying, drawing-in and installation of metallic cables including all types of final measurements, elaboration of measurement protocols and inspection reports
- Laying, drawing-in, calibration and pressure leak-tightness test of HDPE pipes for optical cables
- Blowing and installation of optical networks, all types of measurements including that of chromatic and polarization mode dispersion, elaboration of measurement protocols and assessments
- Geodetic works – surveying and staking out of cable lines, landed property boundaries, elaboration of geometric plans for easements
- Conclusion of easement establishment contracts and provision of registration in the Real Estate Cadastre, legal advisory in this field
- Provision of issuance of approvals of installation for the orders being implemented
- 7/24/365 service for optical cables, HOT LINE
- Special technologies:
- microtrenching – optical cable or micro-tube trenching for blowing micro-cables in bitumen or concrete surfaces (walkways, roads, car parks)
- microtrenching – milling trenches 16 cm wide and maximum 60 cm deep in consolidated areas, concrete, or rock